Edwin R. Sanders was born in 1908.
A graduate of Renssalear Technical Institute, Ed Sanders started his career as chief engineer of radio station WTIC in Hartford, Connecticut. When World War II started, he worked on a secret mission at the Applied Physics Laboratories of John Hopkins University and was given the Naval Ordinance Development Award for research success on the proximity fuse for artillery shells.
After World War II, he went to work as an engineer for Bell Aircraft and Sylvania Electric, testing underwater communications.
During retirement, he moved to Sedona in 1969 where he developed and built solar homes, and built the sanctuary and outside grounds for The Church of the Red Rocks.
He was an avid bridge player, a personal and professional investment counsellor, and an amateur astronomer developing aids to assist in star gazing.
He was also proud to be an Eagle Scout!
Edwin R. Sanders died on November 3rd, 1996. He was 88 years old.
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